What is vibrational frequency? Vibrational frequencies play an extremely important role in our lives. Not only does every organ and cell in our body vibrate to a certain frequency; the food we eat, the electronic devices we use, our environment and even our thoughts create an energetic vibration. This energy is expressed as Electromagnetic Vibrational Frequency. Every Atom in our Universe is tuned to a specific vibration or periodic motion, each periodic motion has a frequency (the number of oscillations per second) which can be measured in Hertz.
1 Hertz = 1 Hz = 1 oscillation
1 Kilo Hertz = 1 KHz = 1,000 oscillations per second
1 Mega Hertz = 1 MHz = 1,000,000 oscillations per second
Most plants (and animals) use enzymes to break down molecular components during their life processes. And each of these enzymes has a unique crystalline form that is tuned to a specific vibratory frequency. The vibrational frequency of an oil reflects the integrity of these elements and enzymes embodied within its substance – its bio-energy or life force and its original intent. This all factors into an oil’s potential therapeutic value.
In 1992 Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, a branch of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, invented and built a machine called a BT3 Frequency Monitoring System. This device uses a highly sensitive sensor to measure bio-electrical frequencies of plant nutrients and essential oils. The BT3 measures the composite frequency of the vibratory emissions of the elements and enzymes within the oils in electrical voltage (MHz). Pure essential oils have shown the highest Vibrational Frequency of any natural substances including organic fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. The measured frequencies of essential oils start around 52 MHz (the frequency of Basil oil) and go as high as 320 MHz (the frequency of Rose oil). In comparison, fresh produce has a frequency up to 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 MHz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 MHz. Now get this… Processed and canned foods have no measurable frequency… (!) Remember this when you go out to do your grocery shopping.
Dr. Robert O. Becker had already shown that the human body has an electrical frequency, and also that much about a person’s health can be determined by its frequency levels. Bruce Tainio developed a way to use his machine to measure human electrical vibrational frequency by taking readings on various points of the body and averaging those numbers together. His measurements indicate that the daytime frequency of a healthy human body vibrates in the range of 62 to 68 MHz!
The brilliant and suppressed work of Dr. Royal R. Rife, M.D. (1888-1971) proved this theory with undeniable results. Dr. Rife conducted research with a machine he developed called a “frequency generator” that applies currents of specific frequencies to the body. He concluded that every disease has a specific frequency. And in addition he concluded every cell, tissue and organ has its own vibratory resonance. Working with his frequency generator, he found that specific frequencies would destroy a cancer cell or a virus. His research demonstrated that certain frequencies could prevent the development of disease, and that others would neutralize disease.
Human cells can start to change (mutate) when their frequency drops below 62MHz. 58 MHz is the frequency of your body when you have a cold or the flu. When an overgrowth of Candida is present within your body, you vibrate at a frequency of 55MHz. 52 MHz is the frequency of a body with Epstein-Barr virus present. 42 MHz is the frequency of a body wherein cancer can appear. When the death process begins – the frequency has been measured at 20 MHz. These are just a few examples of how Vibrational Frequency can affect the human body.
How do the frequencies of substances found in our environment affect our personal frequency? Based on the studies conducted by the great scientist Nikola Tesla, who said that, if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease. Pathogens have a low frequency, Pollutants both particulate and radiation (EMF) lower a healthy frequency. Processed and canned food having a frequency of zero can greatly diminish a person’s own frequency. Also, thoughts and feelings have a vibratory quality that forms a measurable frequency. A negative mental state can lower a person’s frequency by 10-12 MHz. Likewise, a high-frequency substance or influencing factor such as thoughts, emotions, and frequency devices, in our internal and external environments can also affect our frequencies. For example, a positive mental attitude, prayer or meditation can raise it by 10-15 MHz. So what can we learn from this? To keep the body healthy and functioning properly, it is necessary to keep our vibrational frequency high.
Tainio and colleagues determined that when a person’s frequency drops below the optimum healthy range, the immune system is compromised. Findings supported by this research indicate that:
● Human cells can start to change (mutate) when their frequency drops below 62MHz.
● 58 MHz is the frequency of your body when you have a cold or the flu.
● When candida overgrowth is present in your body, you vibrate at a frequency of 55MHz.
● 52 MHz is the frequency of a body with Epstein-Barr virus present.
● 42 MHz is the frequency of a body wherein cancer can appear.
● When the death process begins – the frequency has been measured at 20 MHz.
A substance with a higher frequency can raise a lower frequency due to the principle of entrainment (the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony). This principle is key to understanding the effect essential oils can have on our personal electromagnetic vibrational frequency. All of the electrical devices in your home (lamps, television, radio, phone, microwave) emit electromagnetic vibrational frequencies that are incoherent and disharmonious. Their effects can distort the human electrical field. By contrast, Dr. Rife’s frequency generator and most naturally occurring substances (including essential oils) have coherent frequencies that resonate harmoniously with the electrical field of the human body. When disease and illness are present, they may manifest as chemical imbalances. But underlying, is an electromagnetic imbalance that has altered the specific vibrational frequencies of molecules, cells, tissues and organs within the body. Properly “retuning” the body to its original frequency brings it into balance and restores its natural harmonic resonance – illness either doesn’t manifest or is resolved.
By simply applying a high quality therapeutic essential oil to your skin or even holding the bottle in your hand, you effect the vibrational frequency of your body through your energy field. The oil’s higher frequency will raise your vibrational frequency, thus resolving energetic imbalances. When several oils are blended together, each having a different MHz frequency, a frequency will emerge that may be higher or lower than the various components. The therapeutic properties create special vibrational remedies capable of healing or rebalancing the body/mind/soul/spirit.
“Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. I believe that the chemistry and frequencies of essential oils have the ability to help man maintain the optimal frequency to the extent that disease cannot exist.” – Gary Young
Each oil has a specific frequency. The oil’s electrical affinity will enhance and support an individuals organs and body systems, and will aid in the assimilation of nutrients. Essential Oils in the higher frequency ranges tend to influence the emotions, and the lower frequencies have more effect on structural and physical changes, including cells, hormones, and bones, as well as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Essential oils don’t resonate with the toxins in our bodies. This incompatibility is what helps eliminate the toxins from our systems. Neither do they resonate with negative emotions. Thus, they can help dislodge forgotten traumas by surfacing them in our consciousness where we can deal with them and let them go. Essential Oils offer us a natural way to restore our body’s healthy electromagnetic vibrational frequency.