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If you are interested in purchasing a pyramid like this one, contact me at


LARGE SIZE 6 ½"x 6 ½" x 4" - Meditation tool to help open the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras.

Protects and purifies your living space against negative energies and harmful EMF waves. 

Contains the following crystals:  Citrine & White Quartz Crystal


CITRINE:  Good luck, success, friendship, abundance, tranquility, prosperity, imagination, clarity, manifestation
♥ CHAKRAS – Solar Plexus Chakra
♥ Archangel:  Gabriel (works through citrine crystal and delivers messages from God)
♥ Known as the “Light Maker” 
♥ Brings joy, wonder and enthusiasm to every part of your life
♥ Helps release negative traits like fear from your life 
♥ Encourages optimism, warmth, motivation and clarity
♥ Enhances creativity and concentration
♥ Brings abundance and transmutation
♥ Assists in acquiring wealth
♥ Purifies the energy of everything around it
♥ Helps treat depression and anxiety
♥ Attracts love and happiness


WHITE QUARTZ:  Serenity, purification, peace, meditation, universal consciousness, clarity of thought, purity of heart, universal love, integrity, spirituality, psychic development, forgiveness, positive thoughts 
♥ CHAKRAS – Crown Chakra - Soul Star Chakra
♥ Archangel Raziel works through white quartz crystal and delivers new spiritual insights and creative ideas
♥ Commonly called “Milk Diamond”
♥ Considered a master healer crystal
♥ Releases ancient Angelic wisdom
♥ Purifies negative energies, thoughts and feelings
♥ Helps spiritual healing
♥ Increases powers of concentration
♥ Increases chances of coming out on top in a short-lived challenge
♥ Boosts your abilities to think strategically
♥ Boosts your ability to stay calm and stress-free
♥ Decreases arguments, conflicts and failures
♥ Helps with optimum energy dispersal


BRASS:  Copper is attributed to Venus, and is an excellent conductor of energy, promoting good vibrations, awareness and intuition, and enhances love and bonds between people as well as healing, de-stressing and purifying properties.  Copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications. Copper 'straightens' the properties of any surrounding stones and crystals.


FLOWER OF LIFE SYMBOL (bottom view):  Is a sacred geometry symbol which represents all of creation and is a secret code used by many advanced races. All the frequencies of light, sound and music are found in this geometric structure. 

Each orgone pyramid is a handmade, one-of-a-kind creation.  Natural variations in the size, crystals and metals may occur.  Slight imperfections found in the epoxy resin are normal and may occur.


• Turns Negative Energy into Positive Energy 
• Mitigates the harmful effects of EMF waves
• Strengthens Nature's Own Abilities to Prosper

Citrine / White Quartz Reiki Infused Orgone Pyramid - Solar Plexus& Crown Chakra

    Since the turn of the new millennium orgone pyramids have become a popular energy tool in holistic and healing circles. It creates a powerful healing effect by balancing the electromagnetic energies in our environment.  It protects us from harmful EMF waves produced by phones, WIFI, and smart meters and other wireless technology.  Common effects reported from electronic frequency pollution are fatigue, irritability, and lack of concentration. 

    Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst developed the ORGONE Theory in the 1930s. After many experiments, he proposed that an etheric bio-energetic life force existed that animated our environment. His idea wasn’t unique - most traditional cultures held a common belief that an invisible life energy animated the material world - called Chi in Chinese, Prana in the Indian system, Mana by the Polynesians, and by many other names across the Planet. In Reich's view, the key to physical and mental health was the balance of this orgone energy which he divided into two categories – Positive Orgone Energy (POR) and anti-biological ‘Deadly Orgone Energy' (DOE). He saw positive orgone as organized, structured and coherent, while anti-biological deadly orgone energy was ‘stagnant’ and lead to decay and entropy – very similar to the idea of ‘blockages’ in Chinese medicine.  Reich built various orgone devices such as the Orgone Accumulator Box (composed of alternating layers of wool and metal) which accumulated and infused a patient with a high concentration of orgone energy. Faster healing, increased plant growth, and positive effects on cancer were noted. While Wilhelm Reich’s work was ground-breaking, his non-traditional experiments drew harsh persecution from authorities. Both the Nazis and Communists in Europe and the American Food and Drug Administration went as far as to mark anything written by Reich or containing the word ‘orgone’ fit for incineration. Wilhelm Reich died broke and destitute in 1957 while in prison for violating FDA regulations – a fate similar to many other visionaries like Nikola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife.

    The positive benefits of Orgone Energy Pyramids are overwhelming, the big question is how does it work? Several aspects contribute to the orgone energy effect:

    THE CASIMIR EFFECT – A Zero Point energy effect, it was discovered that two metal surfaces close together, but not touching could produce photons from the gap while energized by electromagnetic waves. The experiments were conducted in a vacuum, so the energy was being produced ‘from nothing’ or what has been termed the Zero Point or Scalar field. Scalar fields are healing for the human body as they structure electromagnetic Hertzian waves to be more coherent and less scattered. In Orgonite, the metal particles in the resin matrix act as the metal surfaces in the Casimir experiment – and the activation of scalar waves comes from the EMF pollution in our environment. Using sound as a similar example, you can listen to a good sound system all night, but if the audio signals are distorted, you'll quickly develop ear fatigue. The same is true with your bio-energetic field, incoherent electrical signals lead to 'computer fatigue', headaches and lack of good sleep.

    QUARTZ CRYSTAL – A key component of Orgone composite material, Quartz Crystals have been known for thousands of years for their healing properties. A basic property of Quartz Crystal is its ability to focus, direct, and amplify energy and also its reliability as an oscillator. Quartz not only amplifies orgone energy, but itself adds to the coherence and balancing energy of orgonite matrix. Another aspect of quartz crystal, is the piezo-electric effect which is activated as the orgonite resin shrinks during casting (Quartz Crystals under pressure produce an electrical charge). This constant activation is thought to add to the energetics of orgonite.

    PYRAMID GEOMETRY – While orgone composite material can be formed into any shape, a common and popular form is the pyramid. Russian scientists have done extensive research into pyramid geometry and ‘torsion fields’ (called scalar or zero point in the West). They found that, similar to the Casimir effect, energy is produced in a vacuum from the tips of pyramids (energy from nothing, the ether). According to torsion field studies, certain geometric shapes naturally produce a scalar or torsion field, very similar to what the proponents of ‘pyramid power’ have been saying for millennia. Pyramids are also noted for amplifying and transmitting energy, like an antenna or speaker cone. Thus, all materials cast into pyramid geometry not only benefit from orgone energetics but pyramid energy as well. Therefore, orgone energy can be considered a SCALAR or TORSION FIELD generator. 
    When Reiki energy is infused into orgone pyramids, it magnifies the healing power of the crystals. It actually charges the pyramid with protective, positive energy and increases the effectiveness of the crystals natural healing vibrations. Reiki in its most basic form is energy. Everything, including matter, at its core is merely “energy”. Quantum physics tells us this.

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