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Certified Reiki Healer
Fluorite Dolphin Organite Pyramid
Rose Quartz Organite Pyramid - Heart Chakra
Blue Titanium Angel Aura Quartz Orgonite Pyramid - Throat Chakra
Amethyst, Kyanite & Selenite Reiki Infused Orgone Pyramid - Crown Chakra
Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Goldstone and Selenite Orgonite Pyramid
Amethyst Skull Orgonite Pyramid
Blue Angel Aura Quartz and Blue Fluorite Orgone Pyramid
Amethyst & Rose Quartz Orgone Pyramid - Heart & Crown Chakras
Large Rose Quartz Orgone Pyramid - Heart and Soul Star Chakra
Angel Aura Quartz, Kyanite & Selenite Orgonite Pyramid
Citrine Quartz Orgonite Pyramid
Amethyst Selenite Reiki Infused Orgone Pyramid - Crown Chakra
Citrine Quartz Orgonite Pyramid - Solar Plexus Chakra Healing
Rose Quartz, Amethyst & Selenite Orgone Pyramid - Heart and Crown Chakras
Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra Orgone Pyramid
Yellow Quartz & Citrine Orgone Pyramid - Solar Plexus Chakra
Purple Blue Fluorite Orgonite Pyramid - Throat Chakra
Amethyst Orgone Pyramid - Crown Chakra
Lapis Lazuli Orgone Pyramid - Throat Chakra
Citrine / White Quartz Reiki Infused Orgone Pyramid - Solar Plexus& Crown Chakra